Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

Please take the quiz.  You will need to sign in with your Google account.

Watch this BrainPop then take the quiz for a second time.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Glogster is an online poster.  Each student will be assigned a technology term to define, use in a sentence, find a picture or two to illustrate the term and create a poster about the tech term.

Defining the term.  Please use one of these online dictionaries to find the definition.

Merriam Webster Online Dictionary


Blog Quote

Many students’ first instinct might be to head to Google’s image search and use the first image that they see, but it is important for all of us to make sure we are following all laws and protecting the rights of others. This includes learning about and following through with citing and acknowledgements of the source of an image when required.
So where do we find free-use images? Here is a list of 7 favorite sites for images:
Images that you can use without violating copyrights  (Save to desktop)

Digital Public Library of America -  a free digital library that includes images, documents, music, artwork, etc from libraries and archives in all 50 states.

Morgue Files

Safe Search Click Image Search.  Mostly clip art.


WikiMedia Commons


And of course ....



Watch Video Tutorials to learn more about GLOGSTER's features.